Our Alternative to Electric Steel
During the development of our electric motors, we became unsatisfied by the necessary weight of steel. This inspired us to create Elainyteâ„¢, our electric steel alternative that boasts the same magnetic permeability in half the weight. As with all our products, we prioritize easy production. Elainyteâ„¢ is a two-part mixture that cures in a mold to create custom and complex shapes.

The Benefit of Elainyte’s™ Unique Composition
Elainyte™ is a proprietary blend of pure iron particles and a tough binding agent. This combination allows us to harness iron’s phenomenal magnetic permeability, but with much greater mechanical strength and no conduction of current. The unique formula also ensures Elainyte™ is resistant to corrosion and rust which are limitations of steel and iron products.

Why It’s the Perfect Addition to Our Motors
Although Elainyteâ„¢ can match the magnetic permeability of steel, it does not carry an electrical current making it an ideal replacement for the steel used in many electrical systems. Conductive materials like metals lead to power losses when they are exposed to a changing magnetic field (like in a motor or transformer). To minimize the appearance of the swirling currents that cause this (eddy currents), traditional systems use a stack of thin steel layers separated by insultation to break up the continuous mass of current-forming material. Since Elainyteâ„¢ is electrically insulating, we can minimize eddy current losses more efficiently and without the complicated machining of steel laminations. The combination of Elainyteâ„¢ as our electromagnet cores and Lennoxiteâ„¢ to reduce heat allows us to make motors that are lighter, more efficient, and less expensive to manufacture.